Evrony Zion

Zion Evrony è attualmente Visiting Assistant Professor alla School of Theology, The Catholic University of America (a.a. 2016-2017). È stato Ambasciatore d’Israele presso la Santa Sede dal 2012 al 2016. È nato nel 1949 ed è cresciuto in Israele. Diplomatico veterano, il Dott. Evrony è entrato a far parte del Servizio Estero nel 1973. Ha ricoperto diverse posizioni oltremare, tra cui: Ambasciatore in Irlanda (2006-2010); Console Generale a Houston (1995-2002); Console a New York (1987-1991). L’Ambasciatore Evrony ha anche ricoperto diverse posizioni nella sede centrale del Ministero
degli Affari Esteri a Gerusalemme; ha ottenuto il Dottorato in Relazioni Internazionali, un Master in Amministrazione Aziendale e il Baccellierato in Sociologia e Scienze Politiche, entrambi conseguiti presso l’Università Ebraica. Ha inoltre pubblicato numerosi articoli sulla stampa internazionale su Israele e sul processo di pace e ha svolto incarichi come insegnante universitario e relatore su temi legati alle Relazioni Internazionali presso l’Università Ebraica, l’Università di Tel Aviv e Open University in Israele. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Human Rights In International Relations, The Open University Press, Tel Aviv 2011.

Zion Evrony is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Theology, The Catholic University of America (2016-2017 academic year). He was Israel's Ambassador to The Holy See from 2012-2016. He was born in 1949 and grew up in Israel. A veteran diplomat, Ambassador Evrony joined the Foreign Service in 1973. He has held several positions overseas, including: Ambassador to Ireland (2006-2010); Consul General in Houston (1995-2002); Consul in New York (1987-1991). Ambassador Evrony has also held numerous positions in the Foreign Ministry Headquarters in Jerusalem, including Head of The Policy Planning Division. He received a Ph.D. in International Relations, a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Political Science, all from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Ambassador Evrony has published several articles in the international press on Israel and the peace process. His book, Human Rights In International Relations, was published (in Hebrew) by The Open University Press, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2011. His career has also included several university teaching positions as a guest lecturer on International Relations at the Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University and the Open University in Israel.

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